ESOcast 15: Recoating a Giant VLT Mirror
Versione di ESOcast n.15 ridotta a 8'30"
Every night, all year round, the ESO Very Large Telescope, or VLT, opens its four giant eyes to scrutinise the beautiful southern skies. Each eye is a huge mirror, 8.2 metres in diameter, that gathers the light of the night sky, and reflects it into optical systems that form ultra-sharp images of the Universe. But keeping the VLT´s eyes clear requires each mirror to be cleaned and recoated occasionally, a delicate and complex procedure.
ESO. Visual design and editing: Martin Kornmesser and Luis Calçada. Cinematography: Peter Rixner. Editing: Herbert Zodet. Web and technical support: Lars Holm Nielsen and Raquel Yumi Shida. Written by: Herbert Zodet, Henri Boffin and Eric Hal Schwartz. Host: Dr. J. Narration: Gaitee Hussain. Music: Movetwo. Footage and photos: ESO, Jos Francisco Salgado. Directed by: Herbert Zodet. Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen.